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     The next leader in Global Load Management







Portable Data Collector PDC3000


The Portable Data Collector from EnTek is a Windows based handheld  computer with EnTek communications software. It is used to program EnTek receivers, activate optional services and to collect data from the receivers.


The PDC 3000 uses IRDA techniques for totally non-intrusive data transfer with the load management receiver. This method of control does not require that the door seal be removed and protects the electronics from water intrusion or static discharge while programming operations are active.


Since the PDC is Windows based, it is largely hardware agnostic and can readily run on a variety of standard PDA platforms. The PDA can support a variety of other applications along with the EnTek software for general use.


Data collected by the PDC3000 can readily be stored in delimited files for transfer to a variety of applications for data analysis

